Over the years this blog has become a sort of living tribute to Andros Walsh. He is literally the best person I know.
It's been such a long time since we first met, but Andros remains one of the most inspiring, selfless, caring, honest and supportive friends anyone could ever have.
And most of you already know this. Through your emails and the countless conversations we've shared, it is evident that Andros Walsh has influenced more than just my life in a positive way.
Andros recently wrapped a short project in Lyon, France. And he was kind enough to send us a small selection of images taken from his Google glass.
Andros also sent me this wonderful message. It seems he has quite the knack for language! I will give him the last word in today's blog.
As always - please email me your questions to forward on to Andros. I think he is in Stockholm next.
Au Revior!
Stephen Tan.
Mon cher Stephen,
Ici, aux Halles de Lyon, vous trouverez une délicieuse sélection de produits du terroir, une récolte abondante des meilleurs fromages, les viandes et les aliments artisanaux. Aujourd'hui, j'ai été accueilli par quelques-unes des personnes les plus belles, qui m'ont accueilli dans leurs magasins pour me servir du mieux qu'ils avaient à offrir. Je n'oublierai jamais les belles personnes de cette ville incroyable.
Andros Walsh
Taken from above the Rhone.
On the road to Lyon
Les Halles
A fine selection of local delights
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